Latest Painting " I.N.S. Beast", 16'x 20, acrylics on canvas, Diego M. Rios
My latest painting titled “The I.N.S. Beast eats Mexicans!” concerns the severe mistreatment of thousands of Mexican immigrants by I.C.E., I.N.S. and U.S. Border Patrol. The grotesque red-tailed demon in the painting is an artistic representation of how many Hispanics view many U.S. immigration agencies. The demon is devouring Mexican immigrants with an open mouth filled with fire.
The nation's inhumane detention centers in the South West have brought severe national and international criticism. The actual numbers of detained immigrants in private and government detention facilities vary according to released information. According to the Global Detention Project there are up to 59,155 detained immigrants.
Images of Mexican children in animal cages have been seen worldwide via TV and social media. A nation that proposes to be the “land of the free” is really the land of brutality to people of color. We must recognize this injustice and resist!