Painting "Borderline Heart" by Diego Marcial Rios

My future paintings will express strong political and social content. President Donald Trump has expressed his hate toward Mexican immigrants and other immigrants of color. Trump’s racist perspective has created a caustic environment for many decent people trying to find political refuge or employment.

My painting entitled “ Borderline Heart” is a nightmare vision that includes a dark Sacred Heart floating above a southwestern desert landscape. Inside the heart shape are countless distressed human skulls. These skulls are surrounded by fire, snakes, and thorns. This imagery represents the struggle and danger faced by many Mexican immigrants while attempting to cross the southern border to the USA.

I have included a grotesque fiery orange head representing the negative political and social presence of Trump. I have painted Trump’s open mouth spewing venom and toxic fumes into the landscape. I think this painting has successfully expressed my opinion of one of Trump’s many failed social policies. 

Diego Rios